Pilates Studio, Vernon BC

Certified Experienced Instructor, Jo-Ann Sullivan

Symmetry In Motion Pilates is a pilates studio conveniently located in Vernon within easy access to Armstrong and Lake Country. Offering private and semi-private Pilates sessions for general health and well-being, active and post rehabilitation as well as performance enhancement. Our goal is to create the possibility for each and every client to connect body, mind and spirit and to realize the potential we all have to move our bodies through space with ease and grace. Pilates is for every body and everybody can do Pilates.

Stacked Rocks

Jo-Ann is a gifted teacher with a vast repertoire of knowledge to share.  I have also done Reiki with Jo-Ann. I feel connected again after one of her sessions.  She is an intelligent, supportive, heart felt woman yet also a whole lot of fun! I highly recommend her and wish her much continued success.

Karyn Chopik, Karyn Chopik Studio

Services Offered

Symmetry in Motion offers the following Services for Strength and Rehabilitation:

A whole body training regime. Increase core strength, decompress the spine and develop new postural and movement habits. 
Energy based healing therapy. Encourage your body to tap into its own natural healing abilities to maintain health and release physical pain.
Active Rehab
Been Injured and need rehabilitation? Increase your ability to perform day to day tasks effectively without pain or fear of pain. 
Therapeutic Ball Release
Use small therapeutic balls to free the body from strain and tension, increase flexibility and help prevent injury.

Benefits of Pilates with Jo-Ann

Pilates Instructor, Jo-Ann Sullivan

Jo-Ann Sullivan has been teaching Pilates for over 20 years, helping men and women of all shapes, sizes, and ages.  As a founding member of The Canadian Pilates Association, Jo-Ann has the experience and knowledge to know what you need to achieve your goals in a safe and efficient manner.

Improve your core strength, tone your body, fix your posture and breathing.  Try pilates!

Pilates Instructor Jo-Ann Sullivan
© Copyright 2025 – Symmetry In Motion